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Compared to other types of fabric like polyester, cotton is indeed 100% full absorbent thus more comfortable and convenient to wear than any other textile. Nowadays, various types and kinds of textile product made out of cotton can be seen in the market such as the clothes we where every day. Cotton fabric has become the primary source of all clothes produce in the United States and why so many companies have built their business on this crop.

Cotton was first used in Latin America Fabrics around 5500 years ago by the Aztecs. Since then, the popularity of this fabric grown to neighboring countries that it even went as far as India, China, Egypt, Pakistan and all others. This plant was then regarded as the most comfortable fabric to wear making it popular on all parts of the world. In the United States, Cotton has been the primary source for textiles.

Picking The Cotton

The process of producing cotton is begins with raw cotton pulled from the plant. It looks similar to cotton balls but is filled with seeds. After picking the next step is to remove all the seeds. The cotton gin automatically removed the seeds from cotton elimination the manual process. Once the seeds were removed the cotton could then be spun into yarn. Spinning yarn goes all the way back to biblical times. Different tools and equipment were used to create various lengths of yarns; some uses the old and traditional way while many manufacturers opt to use modern day machinery to make the process easier. Listed below is the simplified process of cotton spinning, take time to read it yourself and discover how this wonderful garment is created.

Removing Seeds

The first process used to create cotton fabric is known as ginning. Ginning is the term used to describe separation of raw cotton fibers from the seeds. Traditionally, this is done by using foot grins but high tech machinery of today makes the process simple and less complicated.

Cleaning the Cotton

After the cotton fibers had been separated from its seed, it is then cleaned by pulling out extra dirt attached into the fiber’s body. Cleaning is also done to make all cotton fibers truly parallel with each other. One cannot spin raw cotton fibers without cleaning and aligning them. The next step will be running a stick into the prepared cotton mass to create tight cylinders.


Once the seeds have been removed you can now begin converting the cotton fibers to yarn. The spinning machine will draw all cotton fibers and twist them together interlocking each and every strand to create one continuous thread. This simple process easily build thread that then can be used for textiles. There are various types of spinning machines that one can operate far different from the others. Manual spinning was used during the 16th century but then due to the modern world of today, they are now considered to be obsolete and part of textile history.